Let’s talk about Mr.Stress
It’s funny sometimes I heard when someone was asking this question, especially when you go for an interview. They would ask something like, could you handle stress?
It turns out to be a funny question for me, because stress? handling? stress is not a thing that you could handle, it’s not something or some person. It’s not like you go a meet a person called “stress” and say “hi , I am going to handle you, have a handshake and say let’s live in peace together” .
Stress is a state of mind, it’s make up of thoughts, a repetitive one. So let ‘s see how stress come into our brain and sabotage our thinking process and stop us from living in presence.
Let’s say you were rushing on a project and the deadline is just around the corner. You kept thinking it, holding it like you should since you’ve awaken , while having lunch and also before you sleep.
You don’t allow yourself to switch your mind until all of these had been sorted out. Your blood pressure has spike and you started to have insomnia. You started to think : Argh, I feel so stress, I can’t handle this anymore, my life is so stressful.
Can you see that ? It’s not the work that make you stress, it’s actually the state of mind that you put yourself into . It’s the repetitive thought that you kept on thinking over and over again.You don’t allow yourself to switch your mind from one to another . You don’t allow yourself to relax.
A quote from William James(I really love this one):
The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.
So just move on, stop having the thoughts that gonna make life slip away quietly and unintentionally. I’m not saying this is gonna be easy, it does requires a lot of practice though. Just practice over and over again, you are gonna be good at it, someday. Chill ~