Balance is the key to happy life
There’s a scene in a movie that kept repeating in my head. Where the husband shout at his wife and said “You’re nothing without me” . Well, this sounds familiar, I heard it before from some other movie. This scene happened always when the wife has decided to leave their husband.
This moment make me realize of something. It’s balance. I wonder why would I thought of this. I guess it’s because I’ve lose balance by working day and night then. When you overwork, you’ll lose your balance. Same goes to the husband in the movie, he has over contributed and hence he feel imbalance and unhappy. It lead to a failed marriage.
“Over” would make you want something back in return, something like a compensation on what you’ve contributed. And when you’re not getting it back. You’ll lose control, lose the chance on being a good person. A normal human being.
Everyone have their own balance point. Some people could spend 80% of their time on work and still feel it’s OK. Some people could contribute all of their salary to the family and not buying anything for themselves and still feel balance. Whereas , some people don’t. It doesn’t mean you’re weak or something. It’s just that we’re different.
Every person have their own unique characteristic. Their own way to live. And when the way they want to live got challenged, one will lose it’s balance and become unhappy. Some people would put the blame on others, while some would just blame themselves for not having the control of their life.
They feel they were force to do what they don’t want and live a life that they don’t want. Living a life that you don’t want is not living. It’s call “”Surviving” in an unjoyful way. I’m gonna write another chapter about habits on choosing what’s bad for you . Please bear with me this time.
Now, after reading. Ask yourself, do you feel balance in your life ? and why not? Find your balance point and be alive , not just survive. Thanks.